The first published blog about Katy during Idol...remember? Yeah, Kripples 4 Kris. They even had lunch together, so much fun. Let's hear the story again, shall we
Monday, April 27, 2009
Mrs. Tenderdog!
So I went to American Idol a few weeks ago and got to be an honorary member of Kris Allen's family...

Kris's wife Katy and I hit it off immediately since I had come bearing my "Kripples 4 Kris" sign and, since they're 90% certain they'll be settling down in LA once all this Idol craziness is over, she happened to be in the market for headshots.
Today she came over for her session and brought along her friend Alex who you may remember as being kicked off in the Top 36...

We took some cute pictures.

And I just added a new layout to my website: www.dkheadshots.com

We drove by the American Idol billboard where they paint a big blue "X" over each eliminated contestant every week (which we contemplated climbing in order to draw a big heart around Krissy...)

And then had a scrumptious lunch at Bossa Nova.

Katy reminds me of Reese Witherspoon and is such an awesome girl. I can totally see how she scored our future American Idol.
She gave me the inside scoop on Idol and all the fun backstage gossip.
Hoping to end up back at the show soon!
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